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Opinion >  Letters

Letter for Dec. 26, 2022

Absolutely ‘yes’ to a new jail

The progressive Pollyanna opposition that insists criminals (and scofflaw vagrants) will suddenly do the right thing and become contributing citizens (while thousands of jobs are left unfilled) if we throw more millions at the idle is absurd. Ask Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and L.A.

Parents and grandparents don’t want their kids sleeping near a grand experiment that insists people will suddenly do the right thing if resources (that are further enriching limousine leftists and educrats) are pumped up even more. They haven’t and they won’t. Every Spokane public high school is smaller now than when I grew up here. And now we’re desperate for more paraeducator babysitters in some delinquent day care centers we call schools?

This catch-and-release, no-bail crowd is making Spokane more dangerous. Half the people that work or teach in Spokane sleep in a safer area further from Camp Hope neighborhood, where it’s far less likely to get robbed. Perceptions are everything. This intentional daily drive away from Spokane to safety is actually creating more greenhouse gases and wear and tear on our roadways.

Now less resourced cities and towns bus their vagrants here to Spokane since we’re buying. The B-people (Beggs, Billig, (Lisa) Brown, Ben (Stuckart) etc.) would all have you believe it’s a fixed number of vagrants and criminals we need to resource. It’s actually the opposite. If we don’t build a new jail (and expand the zero accountability handouts) more will come. Welcome to blue heaven.

Mike Reno


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