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Letters for Dec. 28, 2022

Dec. 26, 2022 Updated Wed., Dec. 28, 2022 at 9:33 a.m.

Trump trading cards

I can’t wait to collect the fantastic new Trump trading cards. There is a Trump Superman, a Trump NASCAR driver, a Trump cowboy and a Trump astronaut. I think there will be more cards to come, like Trump in an orange jump suit looking out of a jail cell. That one is sure to be a top seller. I think these cards will be very valuable, maybe worth more than a Babe Ruth baseball card. I also heard a rumor that there will be a Trump action figure with many service uniforms. This will be something that every kid will want to collect and it will be more popular than Billy Beer. Donald Trump is surely the world’s greatest salesman. He could sell aluminum siding to a person with a brick house.

Rick Johnson


Universal philosophy for unity and peace

Americans currently have the communications, technology, assets and organizations needed to create and pass on a united, free, clean and hopeful world. Common sense tells human kind the planet is overpopulated, polluted and wars between people are “not” getting the job done regarding passing on a free, clean and hopeful world. Common sense tells human kind people are beautiful spirits waiting for goals of unity and peace to unite with; human kind’s most valuable asset.

The internet has made it a new ball game as it globally unleashes the awesome force of word of mouth communication. Combined with increasingly safe and effective contraceptives, now is the time to break out of the dark ages of overpopulation, pollution, trillion dollar war between people budgets, wars between people, famine, extinctions and abortions.

When the beautiful and wondrous alternatives to overpopulation and human kind’s representatives trillion dollar war between people budget becomes the topic of the day, and the fuel for the dreams, goals and hopes of humankind, a free, clean and hopeful world will be in sight for all the children of human kind, along with all life in the care of human kind on planet earth.

Now is the time for representatives who will ask human kind to unite against the real, common and deadly enemy of the children of human kind. That enemy is the entwined people crippling factors of overpopulation, ignorance, fear and apathy.

Now is truly the time to give people and peace a chance. “Why not?” A billion children desperately need an answer now.

Mike Joyce

Coeur d’Alene

A threat to democracy

What have we learned since the 2020 election? No matter how ill-founded the lie, if continually repeated for two years, the Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen … many people will believe it.

Repeating lies has been utilized, sometimes successfully, by presidential candidates before. But previously it’s been used before election, not continually repeated for two years thereafter, never to subvert our democracy and terminated with electoral results accepted.

Besides promoting the Big Lie, Cathy McMorris Rodgers has successfully used repeated lying to remain in office for many years. She’s continually told constituents she’s representing them while voting against them on countless issues, well documented by numerous Spokesman-Review letters. The only people she’s delivering for are her campaign contributors of the approximately 800 nation wide US House candidates in 2022, she was easily the top recipient of Political Action Committee (PAC) donations (Seattle Times, Nov. 20), plenty to help fund MAGA colleagues’ campaigns.

Bob McCaslin, the election denier she endorsed for Spokane County Auditor, was one of a nationwide effort to install election officials to overturn elections for MAGA candidates. He opposed certifying his loss, but was overruled by the nonpartisan canvassing board. Then he paid for an obviously futile hand recount of only 2,398 votes, needing to gain 1,183. Maybe he hoped any recount conducted would promote public distrust of election results. Zero votes were changed.

Clearly, McCaslin would be a threat to our democracy if he won and his endorser, McMorris Rodgers is a threat until she loses.

Norm Luther


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