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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
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Your Outdoor Photos: October 2021

The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.

NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!

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Photos in This Album

  • A Cedar Waxwing enjoying the berries of Autumn at Finch Arboretum. I was getting an "ear-full" as the group is officially called gathering by the flock in preparation for migration.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • A Northern Harrier hunting in the morning light of Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. Their owl-like face and use of hearing to locate their prey set them apart from other hawks.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • King Fisher perched amongst the fall painted leaves at Manito Park pond Tuesday afternoon. In the light rain, he sang his song before diving in and out of the water.

    Photographer: Cathy Lee

  • Eye candy on a bright autumn morning at McKenzie Conservation Area. October 25, 2021

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • With the blazing colors we’re seeing this October, it’s easy to overlook the more subtle beauty of autumn. McKenzie Conservation Area October 25, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Resident Red-tailed hawk.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Resident Red-tailed hawk perched on tall evergreen tree north of my house on a windy, wet, dreary late afternoon.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Strawberry leaves in their poetic Fall colors

    Photographer: Michael forster

  • My 52 year old maple tree dropping leave fast this fall

    Photographer: Michael forster

  • My daughter's garden statue.....sunset is near...

    Photographer: Michael forster

  • Japanese Gardens at Manito Park October 23..gorgeous Fall colors!

    Photographer: Michael forster

  • 86% Waning Gibbous Moon in the western sky earlier this morning.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Dark Eyed Junco in the Colorado Blue Spruce.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Dark Eyed Junco perched in the maple tree.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Sugar Maple tree.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker perched in a crabapple tree on a rainy afternoon.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Fall beauty along Long Prairie Rd. near Valley, WA. Photo taken 10/21/2021.

    Photographer: Sharon Lindsay

  • Full moon rising.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Fish Lake ablaze in autumn colors mid October.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Variation of fall colors in the yard.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Hunter's moon rising over the ridge north of Brownes Mountain.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • The Stevens Creek Trail awash in fall colors.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • On a beautiful fall morning I found this Canyon wren adding to this fall moment they live in a rocky places. 10 18 21 Painted Rock nature area Spokane W.A.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Reflections inside the Japanese Garden at Manito Park.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Reflections inside the Japanese Garden at Manito Park.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Japanese Garden at Manito Park on the South Hill on a gorgeous fall afternoon in Spokane.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Fishtrap Lake is vibrant with fall colors seen from the South Loop trail mid October

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • 87.6% waxing gibbous moon.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • On a recent trip to Montana this huge bull moose came out of the mist in very low light I have never seen a bell that long on a moose before so I took the shot in spite of the low light. Taken Oct 9 2021 South of Drummond Montana.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Aurora Borealis 10/11/21 2130 Historic Sunset Highway W of Reardan

    Photographer: Robert Salsbury III

  • The grandeur of the Trumpeter Swan is a showstopper. Ever so glamorous and often misunderstood, the Trumpeter Swan gets along swimmingly with other species. Early morning at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • One of the smallest birds of North America (and hardest to photograph), Audubon's Warbler flits continuously from branch to branch, rarely in the open, to catch insects. It is hard to see the Warbler through the Autumn leaves but worth the time. Near Hauser Lake in the morning.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • It’s my favorite time of year to visit Finch Arboretum. Autumn colors were on full display last week.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Finch Arboretum in autumn is a must see. The colors were amazing last week.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Resident Red-tailed hawk perched on antenna.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • A bobcat looking for food along the Snake River in Hell's Canyon last week.

    Photographer: Kevin Flatt

  • Echinacea.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • The trees are starting to turn in Corbin Park. Taken 9 October 2021 in the Emerson Garfield District.

    Photographer: Tom Bauer

  • The Gingko tree in our yard is starting to look pretty nice. I used to have a piece of coal that was split into two pieces and it had a Gingko leaf in it. Since moving to Spokane I can no longer find it. Taken 10 Oct. 2021 in the Garland District.

    Photographer: Tom Bauer

  • 10/09/21 A majestic bull moose trying to nap around 4pm at the Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. This is one of two bulls I saw that day along with an adult female and a younger one. This bull was recently in a fight with the other bull, as seen on a video circulating social media and news sources. I was about 18-20 feet from this big guy as I was walking in the refuge. I stayed safe near a tree, as not to spook him and walked away to safety. He was quite tired and didn’t seem to care of my presence. What an amazing experience.

    Photographer: Amie Scheitel

  • Halo of clouds in the western sky following the sunset.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • The Blue Heron fishes with consummate elegance. Patience is their middle name. October morning near Hauser Lake.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • The Blue Heron fishes with consummate elegance. October morning near Hauser Lake.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • Before the snow flies this is the view looking down from the Mt Spokane summit. Seen at the beginning of October

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • A perfect fall day for a picnic at the top of the world, or at least the top of our world. The Mt Spokane summit is where I found this little family at the beginning of October.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Sugar Maple leaves.

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • This Porcupine's girl friend just went up this tree and this suiter stopped and looked at as if to say she's mine you know! Turnbull wildlife refuge Oct 1 2021.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Fall Flickering in the Cottonwood trees. One of the many brilliant shows of the Autumn season is the underwing of the Northern Flicker. In the Hauser Lake area.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

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