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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
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Your Outdoor Photos: July 2021

The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.

NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!

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Photos in This Album

  • This majestic Bald Eagle watching over me while i was raking pine needles at Reflection Lake . 2 weeks ago . September 5th 2021 .

    Photographer: bill pease

  • Smokey sunset light on Mt. Spokane

    Photographer: Erin Yeyamoto

  • Smoky sunset vibes on Mt. Spokane

    Photographer: Erin Heyamoto

  • A Goldfinch enjoying the many seeds on the grasses in Turnbull the last week of July.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Honey Bee & Milkweed

    Photographer: Mary Stauner

  • Everybody's thirsty. This young deer walked cautiously but with determination into the back yard for a drink. Since the timing coincided with the Bucks playing Game 6 I took this as a good omen. Certainly was! Evening in Hauser.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • One giant leap for Birdkind. Juvenile bird season can be tricky for identifying even the most common birds. This is a rambunctious juvenile Yellow-headed Blackbird on shore of Hauser Lake.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • This was taken Monday evening. From the eighth floor of Sacred Heart. It looks like a trifecta

    Photographer: Greg Chapman

  • To hot and recovering from a surgery my as well just go to the back yard a Black- chinned Hummingbird comes in for a evening snack. Taken 7 18 2021 Cheney Wa.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • A lily pond near Coeur D'Alene River road, ID

    Photographer: Anna A Erickson

  • This Bull snake was none to happy with me trying to help him get off the Liberty lake Loop trail so he didn't get stepped on in mid July.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Close up of California Quail Chick

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • California Quail Chick

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • An oasis of green awaits on the Iller Creek Conservation Area trail. This was taken in early July 2021. What a respite from the dryness we’re experiencing!

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • If you look in the right places, not everything is dry and shriveled. This is the Iller Creek Conservation Area trail on July 13, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • This Calliope Hummingbird has been around our backyard in the Spokane Valley for the last week. I took this photo on 7/12/2021.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • I took this picture of a Calliope Hummingbird in our backyard in the Spokane Valley on 7/12/2021. It stopped to rest for about a minute and then flew off.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • A firefighting helicopter over the Coeur d'Alene National Forest on July 11, 2021

    Photographer: Anna A Erickson

  • A firefighting helicopter is scooping water from North Fork Coeur d'Alene River, ID on Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Photographer: Anna A Erickson

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Norther Flicker Woodpecker

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker in the Clump Riverbirch

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker in the Clump Riverbirch

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker in the Clump Riverbirch

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker in the Clump Riverbirch

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Honeybee and Milkweed

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Honeybee and Milkweed

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Honeybee and Milkweed

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Honeybee and Milkweed

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • Honeybee en route to the Milkweed blossoms

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • The Osprey have returned and hatched chicks in the pole nest on S Keeney Road seen beginning of July.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • The Spokane River from the swinging bridge at Bowl and Pitcher on July 4, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • The Spokane River from the swinging bridge at Bowl and Pitcher on July 4, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • A delightful Mariposa Lily on the Glenrose Cliffs Trail. July 6, 2021

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • All the rage on the Spokane River. Paddle from the launch under the Division bridge, up to about the Trent bridge and then paddle back down. Seen the beginning of July.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • A father son duo carry on the age old tradition of launching themselves off the rope swing into Fish lake at the beginning of July.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Draft horses in action. Bill Martson guides Jeff and Wilber, Belgian draft horses, during the “Draft Horse Pull” competition at the Idaho State Draft Horse & Mule International show while an assistant looks on. The show is taking place at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds through July 4th. Evening scheduling of classes made it more comfortable to enjoy various breeds of draft horses and mules competing in a variety of events. This photo was taken 7/1/2021

    Photographer: Sharon Lindsay

  • The hard-working honey bees from a local hive have been visiting our bird bath daily. We welcome these bees, and realize they need additional sustenance with these record-breaking high temperatures. Cheney, WA June 30, 2021

    Photographer: Cindy Miller

  • Unfortunately the very hot weather came with very low tides. This decimated the oysters. Just looked at the oysters on our beach and I would say there is an 80 to 90% mortality rate. In years past we have sold 2000 dozen oysters off our little stretch of beach. Here is a close up of a small section of our beach I count about 40 oysters that a week ago were alive. I think there is one in the lower corner that is alive. Close by was a cluster of five and four of the five survived. We have a lot of clusters on our beach. I believe Washington State supplies about 80% of the oysters harvested in this country and Mason county where we live supplies 90% of the harvest in Washington. This was taken June 30 in Union, WA

    Photographer: Tom Bauer

  • Many honey bees are visiting the bird bath this week, and we welcome these beneficial bees who work in a nearby hive. Every critter is hot and needing additional sustenance during these record breaking temperatures.

    Photographer: Cindy Miller

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker Woodpecker perched on rooftop

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

  • A close up look at the intricate design of Beargrass as seen on Mt. Spokane on June 28, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Beargrass is always a treat to see this time of year. I took this photo at Mt. Spokane on June 28, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Otterly Hot. Snoozing on a dock at Hauser Lake on the hottest day in history. This heat can subdue even the feistiest.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • Otterly hot. Even the feisty otters of Hauser are subdued on the hottest day in history.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • Pine Grosbeak

    Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner

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