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Crisis in Ukraine

News >  Nation/World

‘Nothing left to destroy:’ Russia is fighting for land already in ruins

UPDATED: Wed., Dec. 28, 2022

Tamara Klimashenko stood in what was once her cherished flower garden and pulled out her phone to show photos of the peonies, petunias and chamomiles that once covered this patch of dirt now littered with shrapnel. Her husband, Anatoly Klimashenko, pointed to where the shells exploded: one near the cabbage patch; another where the strawberries grew; yet another on the garage he built.
News >  Nation/World

Captured Russian tanks and equipment are coveted trophies - and a headache

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 27, 2022

Ukrainian forces have seized hundreds of what they call "trophies" - Russian tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles - since the start of the war. They've become valuable assets for Kyiv. The brigade working at this repair site jokingly referred to them as "lend-lease" tanks, referring to the World World II program under which the United States supplied Britain, the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with humanitarian aid and military equipment.

News >  Nation/World

The ragtag force of volunteer paramedics evacuating Ukraine’s injured

UPDATED: Thu., Dec. 22, 2022

On a rainy day in October, Polish paramedic Jakob Balaban and seven of his colleagues woke up before dawn to evacuate eight patients out of Ukraine. All of them were young soldiers, forever branded with the kinds of injuries that have begun to mark this iteration of the war on a daily basis: amputations, fléchette wounds, limbs held together by metal cages.