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Difference Makers 2017

At the end of each year, The Spokesman-Review and its readers select area residents who have made a difference in the previous 12 months.

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  • Mark Finney

    Spokane has become a refugee resettlement destination under Mark Finney’s leadership of World Relief
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  • Ron Wells

    Using passion, savvy to preserve Spokane’s heritage
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  • Ginger Ewing

    Merging creativity and culture through art to better Spokane
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  • SPD Crisis Negotiators

    In moments of high tension, SPD crisis negotiators offer a lifeline
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  • Sam Strahan

    Freeman High School teen summoned courage when it mattered most
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  • Emma Moon

    At Gonzaga, Emma Moon guides student-athletes toward their highest potential
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  • Stan Malnar

    Doctor and priest brought compassion to mothers and families from births to deaths
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  • Layne Pavey

    Using her own experience as a felon to push ‘Ban the Box’ and give former prisoners a chance on the outside
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  • Antony Chiang

    President of Empire Health Foundation, uses bold thinking to drive social change
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  • Lori Wyborney

    Principal has reached outside the walls to change the culture within Rogers High School
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