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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper

The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
Partly Cloudy Night 31° Partly Cloudy

Newspaper Routes Available

Routes are available in your area now!

Earn $600 - $1500 per month.

$300 bonus after 1st 3 months!

Just a couple hours a day!

Delivering newspapers is a great way to pick up some extra cash. Carriers work in the morning to deliver newspapers to an established group of customers and can earn extra money by gaining more customers on their Spokesman-Review News routes.

Newspaper Route Interest Form

Are you 18+ years old

Do you have a valid drivers license

What type of route are you interested in?

District 1503
Northeast Spokane
Contact: Phil Rouse at 509-459-5099 OR
District 1509
Northwest Spokane
Contact: Michelle Cunningham at 509-385-9670 OR
District 1722
Spokane Valley
Veradale, Greenacres, Liberty Lake, Millwood, Otis Orchards, Newman Lake, Valleyford, Rockford, Mica and Freeman.
Contact: Phil Rouse at 509-459-5099 OR
District 1811
Cheney, Medical Lake, Airway Heights, Ritzville, Davenport, Reardan and Rural Areas West and South of Spokane. Deer Park to Republic and Chattaroy to Newport. Also Rural Areas North of Mead.
Contact: Phil Rouse at 509-459-5099 OR
District 1841
North of Downtown Spokane between the Spokane River - W Maxwell Ave and N Maple St - N Division St.
South of Downtown between the Spokane River - 29th Avenue and Hwy 395 South – S Carnahan Rd.
Contact: Rachel Holland at 509-459-5118 OR
District 1844
Spokane Upper South Hill
Contact: Angela Cudmore at 509-459-5188 OR
Contact: Phil Rouse at 509-459-5099 OR

Thank you for your interest in entering into an Independent Contractor Agreement with The Spokesman-Review. The Spokesman-Review receives numerous applications for these available business opportunities and we do our best to personally contact those who express interest in the geographic areas where these business opportunities are available. These newspaper distribution opportunities offer an individual to have a small business that will only consume a few hours each morning, allowing the individual ample opportunity to pursue other opportunities. Those who successfully negotiate an agreement with us will, pursuant to that agreement, receive a lump sum of $300, $100 after 30 days and the remaining $200 after your 3rd month under construct.

As a matter of full disclosure, successful business partners are able to meet the following requirements:

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Provide proof of a current/valid Washington or Idaho Driver’s License.
  • Provide proof of vehicle insurance to meet Washington and Idaho State Law.
  • Provide your own vehicle and pay all of the expenses for the operation of the vehicle.
  • In the event you are unable or choose not to deliver on a particular publication day, the contract will obligate you to provide a reliable substitute to perform the deliveries for you.
  • This contract will obligate you to deliver our products 6 mornings per week Sunday - Friday in Spokane County, Washington, and Kootenai County Idaho. Outside Spokane Co WA and Kootenai Co ID delivery is 4 mornings per week, Wed-Thur-Fri and Sunday.
  • You will agree to provide 30 days’ advance written notice in order to terminate the agreement.