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5 easy steps to be healthier in the new year

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 27, 2022

As we make plans to ring in a new year, it's a good time to look at your personal health scorecard for the year that was. Did you focus on self-care this year? Make and keep the necessary doctor's appointments? Prioritize family and relationships?

News >  Health

Spokane VA has reduced staff despite ongoing effects of troubled computer system as veterans wait longer for care

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 27, 2022

More than two years after its launch in Spokane, employees at Mann-Grandstaff say the system has exacerbated staffing problems, pushing people like Bank to leave key roles and making hiring more difficult. The hospital’s decreased capacity has left more veterans to seek care in the private sector, which can mean longer wait times and higher costs to the taxpayers who fund VA care.
News >  Health

The FDA now says it plainly: Morning-after pills are not abortion pills

UPDATED: Fri., Dec. 23, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday significantly changed the information that will be in every box of the most widely used emergency contraceptive pills to make clear that they do not prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. The agency explained in an accompanying document that the products cannot be described as abortion pills.
News >  Health

Lasik surgery may result in dry eyes

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 20, 2022

Q. Anyone who has had Lasik eye surgery will need to stock up on a good eye lubricant. The procedure made my eyes really dry, and I'm not the only person to experience this. My favorite lubricant is Refresh Tears because it also comes in a thicker variety for nighttime. There are other good ones out there; just don't buy the ones that say, "Help get the red out." They will do that, wear off and leave your eyes drier than ever. To top it off, cataract surgery can add to dry eye problems.
News >  Features

How to cure (or prevent) a hangover

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 20, 2022

'Tis the season for eggnog, mulled wine, champagne - and hangovers. So, what can you do to prevent the morning-after misery as you enjoy your end-of-year festivities? Let's take a look.
News >  Crime/Public Safety

Spokane nurse practitioner, business hit with 68-count criminal complaint alleging widespread Medicaid fraud

UPDATED: Fri., Dec. 16, 2022

Paul B. Means, registered owner of the firm Abilia Healthcare based on Spokane's South Hill, was formerly charged with felonies including leading organized crime, theft, use of proceeds of criminal profiteering, money laundering, false Medicaid statements and witness tampering. Means is scheduled to appear before a judge in Spokane on Jan. 4, according to court records, following a three-year investigation by the Washington Attorney General Office's Medicaid Fraud Control Division.
News >  Features

Is nursing while pregnant risky?

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 13, 2022

When my first child was 24 months, I went to my obstetrician and confirmed what two tests and a healthy dose of nausea suggested: I was pregnant again. I was thrilled to see that pea-sized ball of love on the ultrasound but felt deflated when, at the end of the appointment, my doctor told me I should now stop breastfeeding.
News >  Features

Gabapentin after surgery could cause trouble

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 13, 2022

Q. I was given gabapentin in the hospital following surgery. A few days post-surgery, the doctor removed drains along with a pressure bandage. At that point, I began to feel very light-headed and had awful diarrhea.
News >  Features

Experimental skin cancer vaccine shows promising early results

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 13, 2022

An experimental cancer vaccine, combined with another drug, performed well in mid-stage testing against a deadly form of skin cancer in the first effort to show that a cancer vaccine using messenger RNA may be effective, two pharmaceutical companies announced Tuesday.

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