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News >  Health

Spokane VA has reduced staff despite ongoing effects of troubled computer system as veterans wait longer for care

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 27, 2022

More than two years after its launch in Spokane, employees at Mann-Grandstaff say the system has exacerbated staffing problems, pushing people like Bank to leave key roles and making hiring more difficult. The hospital’s decreased capacity has left more veterans to seek care in the private sector, which can mean longer wait times and higher costs to the taxpayers who fund VA care.
News >  Military

Sikh recruits had to choose between Marines and beards - until now

UPDATED: Fri., Dec. 23, 2022

The U.S. Marines cannot force Sikh recruits to go against their religious beliefs by shaving their beards, a federal appeals court ruled Friday."They are now suffering and will continue to suffer grave, immediate, and ongoing injuries to the exercise of their faith," the unanimous panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit wrote in ordering an injunction against the policy.Three Sikh men hoping to go through boot camp challenged the policy in federal court this year, along with a captain who wants to be able to serve with a beard in combat zones. While their lawsuit is ongoing, the order requires the Marines to accommodate them now so they can begin training."Today's ruling is a major victory for these Sikh recruits, who can now begin basic training without having to forfeit their religious beliefs," Eric Baxter, who represented the plaintiffs, said in a statement. "It is also a victory for our nation, as three brave and dedicated men will soon serve our nation with valor in the Marine Corps."Baxter is senior counsel at Becket Law, the nonprofit firm behind Supreme Court decisions allowing corporations to not cover birth control and a foster-care organization to refuse to work with same-sex couples. Though founded by conservative Catholics and often advocates for exceptions to anti-discrimination laws, the organization has also defended the rights of religious minorities.The Marines' ban on facial hair applies in basic training and "combat zones," a designation the plaintiffs said in court covers over three dozen countries where hazard pay is given.Officials defended the policy as necessary for the uniformity and discipline required to become a Marine and serve as one in dangerous situations. Col. Adam Jeppe, who is in charge of such policies, told the court in a declaration that Marine recruits are "stripped of their individuality in order to … function as a team." He added, "everyone desiring to be a Marine often must be willing to give up something to accept uniformity and what it means. This common sacrifice contributes to the forging of unit cohesion."But at oral argument last month, Justice Department attorneys struggled to explain why a religiously mandated beard would threaten that cohesion while other accommodations do not. The Marines this year created a facial hair exemption for recruits who suffer from a painful inflammatory reaction to hair removal and offered more latitude for women with long hair. The military branch also recently relaxed its rules on visible tattoos."How can it be the least restrictive means when there are other widespread exemptions?" Judge Neomi Rao asked.And the Marines are part of the Navy, whose academy allows Sikh recruits to keep their beards in basic training. The Air Force and Army do as well."Other branches of the military have rapid deployment forces as well," Judge Patricia Millett said at argument. "When the Marines go off on their missions, who takes them? The Navy, which makes accommodations."Judge J. Michelle Childs questioned the substance behind Jeppe's assertion that physical uniformity breeds psychological cohesion."It seems like these are goals, versus kind of some evidence-based theories," she said.The court did not address limitations on service for bearded Marines who have completed the 13-week boot camp, saying it was not relevant to the emergency appeal."No one in boot camp is deploying on a military expedition," they wrote.

News >  Military

North Korea fires missiles capable of reaching Japan on Sunday

UPDATED: Sun., Dec. 18, 2022

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea fired two medium-range ballistic missiles off its east coast Sunday, launching missiles potentially capable of reaching Japan, days after Tokyo vowed to ​double its military spending to help guard against the growing threats from China and North Korea.
News >  Military

Ukraine President Zelenskyy says price cap set on Russian oil is too high

UPDATED: Sun., Dec. 4, 2022

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine sharply criticized a plan negotiated by the Group of 7 nations to impose a top price of $60 a barrel on Russian crude oil, arguing that the cap was not low enough to significantly curb the Kremlin’s war effort and suggesting that the plan’s architects were “trying to avoid big decisions.”
News >  Military

Ukraine will help Kherson residents leave before winter

UPDATED: Sun., Nov. 20, 2022

As winter approaches, Ukraine’s government is planning to help residents leave the recaptured southern city of Kherson, where Russian soldiers blew up and tore down critical infrastructure before their recent retreat, cutting off supplies of running water, heat and electricity.
News >  Military

VA postpones rollout of computer system tested in Spokane until mid-2023, warns 41,500 veterans it may have delayed care

UPDATED: Thu., Oct. 13, 2022

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs announced Thursday it will postpone the rollout of a troubled computer system it has been testing in Spokane for the past two years and will notify more than 40,000 veterans in the Inland Northwest, Oregon and Ohio that their treatment may have been delayed by problems with the system.

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