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Sports >  Outdoors

Reader Photo: Ice bath time

UPDATED: Wed., Dec. 28, 2022

Web extra: Submit your own outdoors-related photographs for a chance to be published in our weekly print edition and browse our archive of past reader submissions online at

Sports >  Outdoors

Outdoor writing contest runner up: No, We Did Not Pee on It

UPDATED: Mon., Dec. 26, 2022

With the loud wind in my ears and the constant sound of the tube bouncing off the water, it was nearly impossible to transcribe what my mom was shouting at me. “Look to your right,” she hollered. Bearing the pain of the saltwater splashing into my eyes, I glanced over. I saw a fin. Instinctively, I thought it was a shark and instantly felt the panic flood my thoughts. For all the years I’ve been tubing in Tybee Island, Georgia, I had never seen that before. Moments following, I saw another fin, followed by another. That’s when I realized they were not sharks, but rather dolphins. I had never seen a dolphin, let alone, three within thirty feet of me. Each year, Tybee Island has new events in store for me; some positive and some negative. Although I have created many positive memories at Tybee Island, I have learned that one negative experience cannot negate experiencing the outdoors that I love most.
News >  Washington

Japanese beetle quarantine area expanded

UPDATED: Fri., Dec. 23, 2022

Officials with the Washington state Department of Agriculture are seeking the expansion of the state's internal Japanese beetle quarantine area after a number of beetles were found outside the quarantine area, which was established earlier this year.
Sports >  Outdoors

Off the Grid: The dollar value of decimation

My husband and I both like spending a lot of time in the outdoors—just not with each other. This is an important feature of married life where you ought to have some things in common but not all things in common.