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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
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News >  Crime/Public Safety

‘Once-in-a-lifetime kind of guy’: Colleagues, church leaders mourn for nurse with ‘so much compassion’ who was shot and killed on the job in Spokane

UPDATED: Sun., Dec. 4, 2022

Douglas Brant worked tirelessly with his patients — often adding another one to his already full schedule — while still carving out time to teach youth guitar lessons. Sometimes, he combined his nursing and musical skills by picking up and playing a guitar in a patient's home to connect with them.

News >  Family

Good cents for the cause: Get ready to place bids for baskets, gift certificates, handmade prizes

You can’t even buy a gumball with a penny these days, but small change could make you a big winner at Saturday’s Moran United Methodist Church Penny Auction. This warp-speed fundraiser features silent bidding combined with a series of quick-draw raffles, that edge-of-your-seat excitement, delivering more than 200 prize baskets, gift certificates and handcrafted treasures to winners in just under two hours’ time.
News >  Religion

Faith and Values: What do Catholics believe about the Bible and the gospels?

Catholics believe that the Bible isn’t just one book but a collection of unique books. Catholics accept as true that the Bible is the Word of God in human words, and they take both parts of this statement seriously. For Catholics there can be no understanding of the Bible as God’s Word apart from understanding the biblical Word on a human level.
News >  Features

The Full Suburban: Faith is not a laughing matter

Almost two weeks ago, Logan’s cousin buried her youngest son, just 6 years old. In July, he came to his parents complaining of stomach pain. In August, he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. And by early October, he was gone. His parents, faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that families are forever and they will be with their son again. My family and I believe the same.
News >  Features

Faith and Values: Taking a risk for love

I’ve always been hypersensitive to people turning away from me and couldn’t bear the thought of her potential rejection. It seemed safer living in the unknown. If she didn’t know about my feelings, our friendship wouldn’t be compromised, and we could keep spending time together.
News >  Religion

City Gate works to restore lost lives

Long before homelessness became an ever-present topic at City Council meetings, long before newer nonprofits began advocating for a solution, John Murinko walked among the broken and the hurting on the streets of Spokane.

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