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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
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A&E >  Art

All-local holiday market BrrrZAAR returns to River Park Square on Saturday

BrrrZAAR, the local winter art market put on by the nonprofit Terrain, returns to River Park Square on Saturday with 70 vendors offering their locally made wares. It's the fourth iteration of the event, which is intended to showcase local artistic talent and offer a variety of fairly priced, handcrafted gifts for shoppers, said Ginger Ewing, executive director and cofounder of the nonprofit.
A&E >  Art

Kids’ art at the National Christmas Tree highlights beauty of the U.S.

UPDATED: Tue., Dec. 6, 2022

Are you ready for Christmas? More than 2,600 kids ages 4 to 19 sure are. They made drawings that were turned into ornaments to hang on 58 trees around the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C. You can see them along the Pathway of Peace in President’s Park near the White House.
A&E >  Art

First Friday

UPDATED: Thu., Dec. 1, 2022

First Friday is 5-8 p.m. Dec. 2, unless otherwise noted.
A&E >  Art

First Friday

UPDATED: Thu., Nov. 3, 2022

First Friday is 5-8 p.m. Nov. 4, unless otherwise noted.
A&E >  Art

Chris Bovey takes on ‘Spookane’s‘ creepy past

I grew up on 36th Avenue going door to door dressed as a Ninja Turtle. I recycled that costume for many years and am sure neighbors on the South Hill must’ve thought it was the hot ticket. I wasn’t really allowed to check out the local haunts.
A&E >  Art

‘It becomes everybody’s work’: Artist unveils public sculpture The Seeking Place in Riverfront Park on Tuesday

The piece was selected by the Spokane Park Board more than two years ago as the second public art structure to be paid for with some of the money raised by the $64 million in bonds for Riverfront Park's redevelopment. When the other artwork, Meijin Yoon's "Stepwell," is finished as early as later this year, the redevelopment that began with a groundbreaking in the gondola meadow more than six years ago will be complete. 
A&E >  Art

Crosby House Museum unveils Norman Rockwell portrait

UPDATED: Wed., Oct. 12, 2022

Best known for his iconic Saturday Evening Post covers, Norman Rockwell wasn’t above the occasional advertisement for companies like Jell-0 and Mass Mutual. One such advertisement, for canned peaches, featured a painting of Bing Crosby.
A&E >  Art

A new anti-communism museum in D.C. tallies 100 million victims of Marx’s ideology

UPDATED: Thu., Sept. 29, 2022

Channy Laux, 60, is the granddaughter of a refugee from communist China who fled to Cambodia. She was 13 when the communist Khmer Rouge, which would eventually kill almost 2 million people, took over Cambodia in 1975. Her father and brother were shot trying to escape to Thailand through the jungle. Laux was sent to a reeducation camp and was tortured, raped and starved. She eventually reached the United States as a refugee with no English skills, studied to be an engineer, wrote a memoir, and now runs a Cambodian restaurant and food business in San Jose. "If you think that capitalism is bad," she says, "wait until you live under communism."

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