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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

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Sports >  Outdoors

Reader Photo: The snowbirds return

UPDATED: Wed., Dec. 14, 2022

Web extra: Submit your own outdoors-related photographs for a chance to be published in our weekly print edition and browse our archive of past reader submissions online at

News >  Pacific NW

‘Taylor Swift for hunters’: Idaho Fish and Game tag system crash sparks anger from hunters

An Idaho Department of Fish and Game hunting tag sale last week led to backlash from out-of-state residents who said the slow website, high demand and system crashes were akin to the debacle created last month when Ticketmaster struggled to meet demand for tickets to Taylor Swift’s latest tour. On Dec. 1, Fish and Game held its annual sale for nonresident deer and elk tags. The sale allows ...
Sports >  Outdoors

Reader Photo: Breakfast and a walk

UPDATED: Wed., Dec. 7, 2022

Web extra: Submit your own outdoors-related photographs for a chance to be published in our weekly print edition and browse our archive of past reader submissions online at
Sports >  Outdoors

Idaho Trails Association seeks new members

The nonprofit Idaho Trails Association is looking for new members to join in  its mission of keeping Idaho’s hiking trails open for all. ITA organizes volunteer trail maintenance projects across the state and completed over 66 projects this year.

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