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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper

The Spokesman-Review Newspaper The Spokesman-Review

Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883
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Spokane is a home away from home for Aaron Tippin

If a customer treks 2,205 miles for breakfast, the bistro must be special. Country singer-songwriter Aaron Tippin occasionally flies from his Sparta, Tennessee home to Felts Field and typically lands in the morning so he can chow down on his go-to dish at the airport’s Skyway Cafe.
A&E >  Entertainment

Phantogram will play Saturday at the Knitting Factory

“Ceremony” is an audacious title for anything in the synth-driven alternative rock world. One of New Order’s greatest songs bears the same name. However, Phantogram decided to go with the same moniker with the release of its latest album, “Ceremony” and it’s fine.

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